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Seorang Ibu menjana $379/day ???

boleh ditarik macam tisu..wah bestnyaaa huhuu..dunia oh dunia...

MOMs makes $379/ day working from home, emm kalau kita convert pada duit msia..RM1148 sehari..wah sebulan x 30hari = RM34,440..bayangkan bagaimana cara dan apa tipsnya yek? Dasyat......kenyataanya aku petik dari news11today.

"For Katie Jenkins it sure is. Katie, a mother from Orlando, Florida is thriving, in the middle of an economic recession working in the comfort of her own home." "I earn on average about $25 for every link I post on Google and I make around $8,700 a month right now" says Jenkins.

1 comment:

  1. saya kalu dpt 80 sen sehari pon dgn cara ni alhamdulillah !!


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