Once again, bukan senang nak join company besar2 nie, lebih lebih lagi aku nie memilih untuk join mereka dan masih tidak terpilih heheh...maksudnya takde rezeki lagi le tu..heheh. Susah memang susah, but this is the opportunity that i have to do very well. Untuk yang sekali lagi Allah memberi peluang untuk aku memberi peluang kepada diri aku sendiri. Jawapannya semua adalah aku, if im doing better, it will be mine. If im not, it will be yours. Ini peluang yang harus aku hadapi, Begini ceritanya, Exactly..i was submitted my CV thru my friend. Then the company that i was applied was called me and asked me to change the position applied due to the hiring manager wants me to change the HSE Executive to HSE Engineer. I'm shocked that time because of vacancy is executive no vacant for engineer base on the advertisement. They want to gauge me as a engineer owing to be checked my C.V. Well, satu lagi harapan aku, Alhamdulillah....i have got several experience at past. So the things make me lesson learn which is the preparation, the answering, the professional to be, I'm looking forward and always look better prospects to grow up my current position. For your info, i must be facing with 2 style interviews which is as usual similiar as Petronas structured Interview. Actually MISC was offered me that position. MISC offshore bussiness. I'm applied for HSE CORPORATE but It was offered me to join MISC offshore bussiness. Emm if i'm successful ler...If im not be hiring by them, Redha je ler....Hopefully who are readers and my fren bloggers are praying for my successfully.....I WILL DO MY BEST FOR THE SECOND CHANCES and the third chances are waiting for me as well.Insyallah....I have to be facing on Technical Interview first, then if pass i will be facing another steps.
Geng Kembara Perantau
Miri for a day...
sedikit gambar...tak boleh banyak banyak heheh
Pagi pagi dah bangun emm jam 5pagi, hehe dah mandi settle kelengkapan semua, menunggu azan subuh, di sini awal..so dah selesai kewajiban sebagai Khalifah Allah. Start kereta warming up a few minutes, then terus ke Kuching International Airport. Rupanya dah banyak juga kereta yek...ingatkan kereta aku jer...Flite will departure at 720pagi, so as usual aku must be there to check in awal sikit ler...adus sambil check in perut berbunyi uit nanti dalam flite hanya makan kacang dan juice oren..huhu. nak blasah McD emm busannya...biarlah. Kat Miri nanti baru makan...emm sambil menunggu kawan kawan..sembang dulu ...emm semua dah cukup so jom pi boarding...Ari ni sib baik bukan Mas Wing, Boeing..so leh claim Enrich. Emm sapa sapa yang biasa travelling make sure register for Enrich member. Bukan apa dah cukup point leh redeem ticket free...emm bukan senang bro...mahal ticket sekarang...hahahah. Perjalanan spend an hour. Biasalah kacang dijadikan breakfast wah ini mat salleh pon tak mkn kacang pepagi ni....kunyah jelah ...Cuaca sangat ok pagi nie..tapi kabus tebal...sambil mkn kacang sambil membaca buku..biasalah rutin aku membaca...biar sampai busan tengok gambar pon jadilah heheheh.
Hah dah sampai...perjalanan 1jam sekejap jer...cross sibu dan bintulu then sampai.....tengok kat bawah tu memang banyak ler sungai sungai . Sarawak biasalah banyak sangat sungainya, emm dah tentu Buaya pun banyak...tapi nak cite kat korang, Aku tingal di Sarawak baru tahu yang di sini tiada Harimau dan Gajah..emm percaya tak...betul ke tak ek???Aku tanya org sini pun dia kata takde....dasat kan....Hutan punyalah besau tapi binatang liar tu takde.....hahahah termenung juga bila diorang bagitau last time.
Hah perjalanan sampai, today hari untukMiri Crude Oil Terminal ( MCOT ) diaudit...amik ko hahaha....adus pagi pagi makan laksa sarawak beb.....tapi tak sodap lah....boleh la alas perut. Alhamdulillah erkkk.
Musim cuti sekolah tak ke mana ke????
Di suria KLCC
Wah ..bab posing bagi je kat diorang
Anak aku dan anak saudaraku
Gambar ni, semasa di KLIA, emm trolley jadi penumpang pulak....hehe
Saja buka cerita school holiday, emm korang tak ke mana ke? yelah bawa anak anak berjalan jalan...bershopping sakan pun boleh jugak hahaha...eh Bulan puasa nak dekat tau...haa sapa yang belum tempah baju raya, cepat cepat laaaaa...nanti takde siapa yang nak jahit. Plan awal awal, senang taklah last minutes baru terhegeh hegeh.
Aku pun baru balik dari KL. Di sana dalam 4 hari jer...hantar mertua ke umrah, dan balance yang ada layan ke KL ler...tak plan gempak gempak pun, cuma cari kain nak raya jer..then makan makan tempat yang aku suka. Biasalah dah lumrah makcik makcik ni nak beli dan cari kain confirm kat Jln TAR,emmm takde lain dah...so aku tak lepas peluang le makan di Restoran INSAF, best bro nasi briyaninya...aku kalau lalu kat situ sure kena beli..apa ketagihnya aku, hehe..takdelah..ala korang faham fahamlah di Sarawak ni nak cari kedai kedai Mamak yang macam di Semenanjung manalah nak dapat. Eh korang tak penah try ke? kalau sesiapa belum try haa pergilah Betul2 opposite kedai buku jln TAR tu.. dan selang sebelah jer dengan kedai kain GULATIS...Hampir berejam juga aku dan family habiskan masa di kawasan tu...last last beli di HARRISON jer..dah 3 tahun memang beli di Kedai kain tu jer...dah kat situ jer yang berkenan.....
Setelah settle apa yang nak dibeli dah dibeli dan dihajati..terus ke KLCC emm diorang plan nak ke Aquaria bawa anak anak, biasalah dah 2-3 family ikutkan jer. Kalau aku tak silap 3 tahun lepas aku pergi....dan bila sampai takde yang berbeza masih sama konsepnya, yang failednya, escalator untuk lihat hidupan laut tu malfunction. Emm membazir lak rasanya, mahal dude masuk tapi takde yang aku tengok berbaloi....maybe tempatnya yang Grand " Area KLCC".
Eh dah nak jam 6, Solat belum ditunaikan lagi, mujurlah ada surau sangat strategik dan berhampiran di AQUARIA tu...Jamak Takhir lah aku, hari kedua boleh lagikan?hehe...Islam memudahkan jadi kita ambillah ia sebagai kesempurnaan kita menunaikannya. Emm setelah selesai, aku dan family masuk ke Shopping Area di KLCC...kaki rasa dah ponek nie. 2jam spent masa kat dalam tu, adalah 2-3 barang dah dibeli...so dah golap dan operasi mencari makanan pula, hai macam jalan jalan cari makan pulak.Mlm ni kata mereka nak beli tapau di kedai Singgang..Wah dah dekat 4 tahun di KL, tak pernah aku jejak kawasan warong yang kebanyakkanya jual singgang. Kalau tak silap aku kawasan Kg baru. Emm make it short, bila sampai di rumah..memang beshhhh, sehingga menjilat jari. Masa mula mula nak beli, aku kata alah singgang jer...emm macam biasa jer, tapi nampak macam biasa...sedapnya entah korang try lah sendiri baru tau.
Ingat mati bukan takut mati
Dah beberapa bulan sahabatku meninggalkan dunia ini, semoga semuanya mendapat ketenangan dan NUR di sana. Susah aku nak lupakan, beliau adalah sahabat terbaik untukku dan yang terbaik itulah yang telah meninggalkan kita.....yang tinggal hanya kita yang perlu berusaha berlari ke arah yang benar dengan matlamat yang bermanfaat.
Dalam Islam menganjurkan kita ingat mati, bukan takut mati. Orang yang ingat mati akan menyegerakan taubat, meningkatkan ibadah dan membuat perkara kebaikan. Sama ada ibadat sunat, umum atau pun asas. Tapi orang yang takut mati akan hilang semangat untuk hidup, malah hilang juga daya tenaga untuk berusaha...dan perlu dinngat ada lagi golongan yang kita tertinggal di mana kedua duanya mereka takut mati pun tidak ingat mati pun tidak...emm sebenarnya ada golongan yang lupa mati, yang mana mereka menangguhkan taubat, meremehkan solat dan jiwanya sentiasa kacau dan tidak tenteram.... Semuanya yang aku ceritakan adalah untuk diri aku sendiri dan juga teman teman di luar sana...tidak sekalipun untuk menyakitkan atau menyindir sesiapa...ingat-mengingati antara satu sama lain itu penting bukan? Anggaplah coretan ini untuk kebaikan bersama.....
Chron's Disease
Pernah tak bloggers di luar sana mengalami Ulcer di dalam mulut (kalau bahasa pasarnya pecah pecah di mulutlah). kalau sikit siit dan jarang sangat berlaku mungkin takde hal, tapi yang macam aku nie sejak sekolah kerap sangat ada...aku pun naik pening pada mulanya. Benda ni dah lama berlaku, aku dah ke klinik berjumpa doktor dan katanya kurang air, bila cerita kerap sangat katanya salah satu sebab stress. Actually aku pun mengiyakan lah...dan sekarang dah malas nak pegi ke klinik, paling kuat bagi ubat droplet. Titik ke tempat yang pecah.
Dan aku dah terasa sampai ke dalam usus aku benda ni, dan yang terbaru aku something bila telan makanan di bahagian dada. Adus confirm ulcer tu dah ke dalam. Gelisah juga aku fikirkan....dan aku teringat member aku ada kejadian sama dengan aku......semua symtom sama...dia ni dah pergi ke pakar dan Dr telah trace yang dia mengalami " Crohn's disease". aku try search pada wikipedia. emm memang benar ulcer perut, ulcer usus, dan ulcer mulut. Benda nie ada sampai ke dubur. Sesiapa yang buang air besar berdarah juga ada mengalami symtom ini.
Crohn's disease is a form of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). It usually affects the intestines, but may occur anywhere from the mouth to the end of the rectum (anus).
See also: Ulcerative colitis
Alternative Names
Inflammatory bowel disease - Crohn's disease; Regional enteritis; Ileitis; Granulomatous ileocolitis; IBD- Crohn's disease
Causes, incidence, and risk factors
While the exact cause of Crohn's disease is unknown, the condition is linked to a problem with the body's immune system response.
Normally, the immune system helps protect the body, but with Crohn's disease the immune system can't tell the difference between normal body tissue and foreign substances. The result is an overactive immune response that leads to chronic inflammation. This is called an autoimmune disorder.
People with Crohn's disease have ongoing (chronic) inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. Crohn's disease may occur in any area of the digestive tract. There can be healthy patches of tissue between diseased areas. The ongoing inflammation causes the intestinal wall to become thick.
There are five different types of Crohn's disease:
•Ileocolitis is the most common form. It affects the lowest part of the small intestine (ileum) and the large intestine (colon).
•Ileitis affects the ileum.
•Gastroduodenal Crohn's disease causes inflammation in the stomach and first part of the small intestine, called the duodenum.
•Jejunoileitis causes spotty patches of inflammation in the top half of the small intestine (jejunum).
•Crohn's (granulomatous) colitis only affects the large intestine.
A person's genes and environmental factors seem to play a role in the development of Crohn's disease. The body may be overreacting to normal bacteria in the intestines.
The disease may occur at any age, but it usually occurs in people between ages 15 - 35. Risk factors include:
•Family history of Crohn's disease
•Jewish ancestry
Symptoms depend on what part of the gastrointestinal tract is affected. Symptoms range from mild to severe, and can come and go with periods of flare-ups.
The main symptoms of Crohn's disease are:
•Crampy abdominal (belly area) pain
•Loss of appetite
•Pain with passing stool (tenesmus)
•Persistent, watery diarrhea
•Unintentional weight loss
Other symptoms may include:
•Eye inflammation
•Fistulas (usually around the rectal area, may cause draining of pus, mucus, or stools)
•Joint pain
•Liver inflammation
•Mouth ulcers
•Rectal bleeding and bloody stools
•Skin rash
•Swollen gums
Signs and tests
A physical examination may reveal an abdominal mass or tenderness, skin rash, swollen joints, or mouth ulcers. Tests to diagnose Crohn's disease include:
•Barium enema
•Computed tomography (CT scan) of the abdomen
•Endoscopy, including capsule endoscopy
•Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the abdomen
•Upper GI series
A stool culture may be done to rule out other possible causes of the symptoms.
This disease may also alter the results of the following tests:
•C-reactive protein
•Erythrocyte sedimentation rate
•Fecal fat
•Liver function tests
•White blood cell count
No specific diet has been shown to improve or worsen the bowel inflammation in Crohn's disease. However, eating a healthy amount of calories, vitamins, and protein is important to avoid malnutrition and weight loss. Specific food problems may vary from person to person.
Certain types of foods may worsen diarrhea and gas symptoms, especially during times of active disease. Suggestions for diet during periods when symptoms are present include:
•Eat small amounts of food throughout the day.
•Drink lots of water (frequent consumption of small amounts throughout the day).
•Avoid high-fiber foods (bran, beans, nuts, seeds, and popcorn).
•Avoid fatty greasy or fried foods and sauces (butter, margarine, and heavy cream).
•If your body does not digest dairy foods well, limit dairy products.
•Avoid or limit alcohol and caffeine consumption.
People who have a blockage of the intestines may need to avoid raw fruits and vegetables. Those who have difficulty digesting milk sugar (lactose) may need to avoid milk products.
Ask your doctor about extra vitamins and minerals you may need:
•Iron supplements (if you are anemic)
•Calcium and vitamin D supplements to help keep your bones strong
•Vitamin B-12 to prevent anemia
Antidiarrheal drugs can help when you have very bad diarrhea. Loperamide (Imodium) can be bought without a prescription. Always talk to your doctor or nurse before using these drugs.
Medicines that may be prescribed include:
•Aminosalicylates (5-ASAs) are medicines that help control mild to moderate inflammation. Some forms of the drug are taken by mouth; others must be given rectally.
•Corticosteroids (prednisone and methylprednisolone) are used to treat moderate to severe Crohn's disease. They may be taken by mouth or inserted into the rectum.
•Immunomodulators such as azathioprine or 6-mercaptopurine quiet the immune system's reaction. They help reduce the need for corticosteroids and can help heal some fistulas.
•Antibiotics may be prescribed for abscesses or fistulas.
•Biologic therapy is used to treat patients with severe Crohn's disease that does not respond to any other types of medication. Medicines in this group include Infliximab (Remicade) and adalimumab (Humira), certolizumab (Cimzia), and natalizumab (Tysabri). They belong to a class of drugs called monoclonal antibodies, which help block an immune system chemical that promotes inflammation.
Dan aku dah terasa sampai ke dalam usus aku benda ni, dan yang terbaru aku something bila telan makanan di bahagian dada. Adus confirm ulcer tu dah ke dalam. Gelisah juga aku fikirkan....dan aku teringat member aku ada kejadian sama dengan aku......semua symtom sama...dia ni dah pergi ke pakar dan Dr telah trace yang dia mengalami " Crohn's disease". aku try search pada wikipedia. emm memang benar ulcer perut, ulcer usus, dan ulcer mulut. Benda nie ada sampai ke dubur. Sesiapa yang buang air besar berdarah juga ada mengalami symtom ini.
Crohn's disease is a form of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). It usually affects the intestines, but may occur anywhere from the mouth to the end of the rectum (anus).
See also: Ulcerative colitis
Alternative Names
Inflammatory bowel disease - Crohn's disease; Regional enteritis; Ileitis; Granulomatous ileocolitis; IBD- Crohn's disease
Causes, incidence, and risk factors
While the exact cause of Crohn's disease is unknown, the condition is linked to a problem with the body's immune system response.
Normally, the immune system helps protect the body, but with Crohn's disease the immune system can't tell the difference between normal body tissue and foreign substances. The result is an overactive immune response that leads to chronic inflammation. This is called an autoimmune disorder.
People with Crohn's disease have ongoing (chronic) inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. Crohn's disease may occur in any area of the digestive tract. There can be healthy patches of tissue between diseased areas. The ongoing inflammation causes the intestinal wall to become thick.
There are five different types of Crohn's disease:
•Ileocolitis is the most common form. It affects the lowest part of the small intestine (ileum) and the large intestine (colon).
•Ileitis affects the ileum.
•Gastroduodenal Crohn's disease causes inflammation in the stomach and first part of the small intestine, called the duodenum.
•Jejunoileitis causes spotty patches of inflammation in the top half of the small intestine (jejunum).
•Crohn's (granulomatous) colitis only affects the large intestine.
A person's genes and environmental factors seem to play a role in the development of Crohn's disease. The body may be overreacting to normal bacteria in the intestines.
The disease may occur at any age, but it usually occurs in people between ages 15 - 35. Risk factors include:
•Family history of Crohn's disease
•Jewish ancestry
Symptoms depend on what part of the gastrointestinal tract is affected. Symptoms range from mild to severe, and can come and go with periods of flare-ups.
The main symptoms of Crohn's disease are:
•Crampy abdominal (belly area) pain
•Loss of appetite
•Pain with passing stool (tenesmus)
•Persistent, watery diarrhea
•Unintentional weight loss
Other symptoms may include:
•Eye inflammation
•Fistulas (usually around the rectal area, may cause draining of pus, mucus, or stools)
•Joint pain
•Liver inflammation
•Mouth ulcers
•Rectal bleeding and bloody stools
•Skin rash
•Swollen gums
Signs and tests
A physical examination may reveal an abdominal mass or tenderness, skin rash, swollen joints, or mouth ulcers. Tests to diagnose Crohn's disease include:
•Barium enema
•Computed tomography (CT scan) of the abdomen
•Endoscopy, including capsule endoscopy
•Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the abdomen
•Upper GI series
A stool culture may be done to rule out other possible causes of the symptoms.
This disease may also alter the results of the following tests:
•C-reactive protein
•Erythrocyte sedimentation rate
•Fecal fat
•Liver function tests
•White blood cell count
No specific diet has been shown to improve or worsen the bowel inflammation in Crohn's disease. However, eating a healthy amount of calories, vitamins, and protein is important to avoid malnutrition and weight loss. Specific food problems may vary from person to person.
Certain types of foods may worsen diarrhea and gas symptoms, especially during times of active disease. Suggestions for diet during periods when symptoms are present include:
•Eat small amounts of food throughout the day.
•Drink lots of water (frequent consumption of small amounts throughout the day).
•Avoid high-fiber foods (bran, beans, nuts, seeds, and popcorn).
•Avoid fatty greasy or fried foods and sauces (butter, margarine, and heavy cream).
•If your body does not digest dairy foods well, limit dairy products.
•Avoid or limit alcohol and caffeine consumption.
People who have a blockage of the intestines may need to avoid raw fruits and vegetables. Those who have difficulty digesting milk sugar (lactose) may need to avoid milk products.
Ask your doctor about extra vitamins and minerals you may need:
•Iron supplements (if you are anemic)
•Calcium and vitamin D supplements to help keep your bones strong
•Vitamin B-12 to prevent anemia
Antidiarrheal drugs can help when you have very bad diarrhea. Loperamide (Imodium) can be bought without a prescription. Always talk to your doctor or nurse before using these drugs.
Medicines that may be prescribed include:
•Aminosalicylates (5-ASAs) are medicines that help control mild to moderate inflammation. Some forms of the drug are taken by mouth; others must be given rectally.
•Corticosteroids (prednisone and methylprednisolone) are used to treat moderate to severe Crohn's disease. They may be taken by mouth or inserted into the rectum.
•Immunomodulators such as azathioprine or 6-mercaptopurine quiet the immune system's reaction. They help reduce the need for corticosteroids and can help heal some fistulas.
•Antibiotics may be prescribed for abscesses or fistulas.
•Biologic therapy is used to treat patients with severe Crohn's disease that does not respond to any other types of medication. Medicines in this group include Infliximab (Remicade) and adalimumab (Humira), certolizumab (Cimzia), and natalizumab (Tysabri). They belong to a class of drugs called monoclonal antibodies, which help block an immune system chemical that promotes inflammation.
If medicines do not work, a type of surgery called bowel resection may be needed to remove a damaged or diseased part of the intestine or to drain an abscess. A procedure called anastomosis is done to connect the remaining two ends of the bowel.
Most patients with Crohn's disease will need bowel surgery at some time. However, unlike ulcerative colitis, surgically removing the diseased portion of the intestine does not cure the condition.
Patients who have Crohn's disease that does not respond to medications may need surgery, especially when there are complications such as:
•Bleeding (hemorrhage)
•Fistulas (abnormal connections between the intestines and another area of the body)
•Infections (abscesses)
•Narrowing (strictures)
Some patients may need surgery to remove the entire large intestine (colon), with or without the rectum.
See also:
•Total abdominal colectomy
•Total proctolectomy with ileostomy
Expectations (prognosis)
There is no cure for Crohn's disease. The condition is marked by periods of improvement followed by flare-ups of symptoms.
It is very important to stay on medications long-term to try to keep the disease symptoms from returning. If you stop or change your medications for any reason, let your doctor know right away.
You have a higher risk for small bowel and colon cancer if you have Crohn's disease.
•Bowel obstructions
•Complications of corticosteroid therapy, such as thinning of the bones
•Erythema nodosum
•Fistulas in the following areas:
•Impaired growth and sexual development in children
•Inflammation of the joints
•Lesions in the eye
•Nutritional deficiency (particularly vitamin B12 deficiency)
•Pyoderma gangrenosum
If medicines do not work, a type of surgery called bowel resection may be needed to remove a damaged or diseased part of the intestine or to drain an abscess. A procedure called anastomosis is done to connect the remaining two ends of the bowel.
Most patients with Crohn's disease will need bowel surgery at some time. However, unlike ulcerative colitis, surgically removing the diseased portion of the intestine does not cure the condition.
Patients who have Crohn's disease that does not respond to medications may need surgery, especially when there are complications such as:
•Bleeding (hemorrhage)
•Fistulas (abnormal connections between the intestines and another area of the body)
•Infections (abscesses)
•Narrowing (strictures)
Some patients may need surgery to remove the entire large intestine (colon), with or without the rectum.
See also:
•Total abdominal colectomy
•Total proctolectomy with ileostomy
Expectations (prognosis)
There is no cure for Crohn's disease. The condition is marked by periods of improvement followed by flare-ups of symptoms.
It is very important to stay on medications long-term to try to keep the disease symptoms from returning. If you stop or change your medications for any reason, let your doctor know right away.
You have a higher risk for small bowel and colon cancer if you have Crohn's disease.
•Bowel obstructions
•Complications of corticosteroid therapy, such as thinning of the bones
•Erythema nodosum
•Fistulas in the following areas:
•Impaired growth and sexual development in children
•Inflammation of the joints
•Lesions in the eye
•Nutritional deficiency (particularly vitamin B12 deficiency)
•Pyoderma gangrenosum
And the conclusion, who are thinking the symtoms upper there are related in your cases. Please get the remedy and directly refer to the Specialist. But I'm the one person still not goin to meet the specialists.Huuuuhuhuh...akan pergi tapi bla ek???
Buang masa dengan solat??
Gambar pinjam dari pakcik GOOGLE...
Tentu terkezut dengan tajuk di atas bukan...emm Mengapa orang Islam banyak buang masa untuk bersembahyang? Korang terkejut?dah tentu. Inilah soalan yang jarang dan mungkin tak pernah kita dengar. Soalan ini telah ditanyakan oleh rakyat jepun kepada rakyat Malaysia beragama Islam. Soalan ini diajukan oleh pelajar pelajar Jepun yang melihat pelajar pelajar Malaysia solat lima waktu sehari semalam.
Sebenarnya ini adalah kisah buku yang aku sedang baca, terusku kongsikan diblog ini..
Mengapa soalan sebegini tidak ditanya ketika di tanah air sendiri, mungkin mereka jarang melihat orang solat di Jepun. emmm berbanding dengan mereka yang jarang2 menyembah berhala tidak sekerap seperti kita bersolat. Bila kita di perantauan ramai yang akan gigih menghayati agama sebagai perisai diri daripada kejutan budaya dan godaan persekitaran yang terlalu mencabar..
" Orang jepun menghargai masa, mana tidaknya setiap masa dengan membaca, tak kira walau di mana pun berada, Buku buku dan komik tersusun di bahagian atas siling keretapi.," bagi orang Jepun yang tidak membuang masa 5-10minit yang kita luangkan untuk mengerjakan satu waktu solat dirasakan membuang masa. Itulah sebabnya soalan itu timbul di kalangan orang Jepun, kenapa orang Malaysia tidak bertanyakan begitu. " emm sebabnya orang kita ramai yang membuang masa , apalah ertinya 5-10 minit untuk bersolat. Bagi mereka yang suka melepak , berbual kosong , berlegar legar di pusat membeli belah sampai berjam jam, apalah harga masa 5-10 minit, tak jadi penyakit pun....Namun tidak bagi orang Jepun, masa beberapa minit untuk aktiviti yang tidak penting( termasuk solat-pada pandangan mereka) sangat membazir.
Mungkin mereka tidak boleh menerima jawapan dari perspektif kita, malah kita boleh menerangkan secara rasionalnya, Tanyakan pada mereka apa yang mereka buat untuk memastikan alat alat teknologi mereka berada keadaan baik? Bukankah mereka akan menyenggara kesemua alat alat teknologi mereka? Lebih canggih alat mereka semakin kerap perlu disenggara.
Jadi bagi umat Islam Solat adalah Maintenance diri kita, malangnya mereka yang mempunyai teknologi yang tinggi mementingkan penyenggaraan tetapi tidak pada diri mereka sendiri.....
Kerenah di conveyor bag
Ini beg yang sama dengan beg aku, masa ni tengah menunggu dia sampai ler
Ada satu lagi kisah yang aku nak cerita yang terjadi pda aku juga..emm kes ini telah tiba di Kuching dan sesi pengambilan luggage di conveyor. Aku adalah mangsa keadaan yang disebabkan persamaan beg. Tapi dalam persamaan beg pun ketelitian perlu dijaga, jangan nak sambar jer bro. Aku ada 3 beg yang ditunggu, 2 beg telah pun selamat. Conveyor yang aku tunggu tu sangat betul, arrival from MAS passenggers. Emm sampai semua passenggers dah balik dan ambil beg masin masing, aku masih menunggu dan terus menunggu, grrrr ...mana pergi beg aku ni????aku terasa nak pandang conveyor sebelah sana, emmm terdetik macam ada kat sana..tapi mustahil sebab area sana untuk Air Asia..mana boleh tetiba sesat beg aku kat sana..dalam kepala dah terbayang takkan beg aku sesat ke state lain atau pun ke Jakarta...hhehehhhe. sebab ada 20 beg penumpang telah di bawa ke Jakarta. Khabarnya nak ke Kuching jer.....adus. Beg hampir dah habis...terus aku dapatkan PIC MAS yang ada di situ, dan dalam beberapa minit ternampak dengan jelas beg aku ada di area Air asia...aik????aku terus ambil ..dan sambil nak marah, Kenapa beg saya ada belah sini????Terus wife aku dan anak aku kata bukan beg kita niee...sejibik!!!..dan buka sedikit zip utk kepastian. Sah its not my bag! Tagging di handle beg pun clearly "Air Asia". Emm so dapat dikesan, dan kalau aku tak perasan beg aku sama di Air Asia confirm mamat tu dah buka kat rumah. Mujur takda benda yang penting, semua baju..barang2 penting di beg yang lain. Inilah kerenah orang di sini...Terus PIC from Air Asia datang amik ID dan terus telefon mamat tu...dalam 20min juga aku menunggu. Aku nak tengok juga org yang main belasah jer. Hah sampai juga...dengan muka tak bersalah, katanya " oh samalah beg, berat pun sama" kepala hanguk ko..heheh dlm hati aku ler...then aku pun sahut laa..." bukan masalah beg sama atau berat sama yang you amik Penumpang Mas punya beg apsal, you kan AIR ASIA...ohh!! katanya....
Kerenah Dalam Flight 1
Baru baru nie aku ke kl dalam 4 hari, pelbagai kerenah, kisah yang aku nak cerita. Semasa perjalanan ke Kuching - KL, dengan menaiki MAS..sekumpulan pelajar yang agak ramai, mungkin trip sekolah mereka agaknya. Wah jauh juga diorang melawat yek...kebiasaannya aku hanya di Kawasan semenanjung jer dengan menaiki bas. Aku lihat ramai berbangsa cina. Emm tentu sekolah anak2 anak org kaya yang disponsor oleh PIBG mereka. Kalau dikira satu kepala pergi dan balik habis RM400.Itu pun kalau murah yang mahalnya belum pasti. Sebabnya diorang naik MAS bukan Firefly dan bukan Air asia. Tapi bukan ini yang aku nak cerita...ceritanya budak besar yang macam budak budak. Diorang nie duduk seat belakang aku, so tentu sekali aku dengar apa yang diorang sembangkan....heheh. Adalah depan seat, seorang budak minta cenderahati pada seorang Stewardess ni...dan dalam masa yang sama anak aku diberi blanket dan pillow. So apa lagi barisan belakang aku nie ( minah ) minta blanket juga...Stewardess tu habaq, the things are priority to infant. Kalau ada kita bagi....dalam beberapa minit kemudian aku dengar org belakang aku macam pisang kepanasan sebab tak dapat apa yang dia nak, Katanya nak complain Stewardess tak layan dia dengan bagus...emmm macam budak2. Sebabnya kali kedua dia minta Stewardess ni telah bagitau yang blanket dah habis..heehheh.Aku nak tergelak dengar orang belakang ni punya kerenah. Macam tak pernah naik Flite, buat malu jer....(depa nie orang Sarawak) bukan aku cerita semua org sarawak macam tu, mungkin kebetulan perangai cam tu hehheheh. HAh, satu lagi pasal souvenir, bila dia terdengar budak depan aku minta...dia pulak minta souvenir, emm Stewardess tu bagitau" kalau ada lebih dia bagilah sebab ramai budak budak minta ". Emm terdengar macam cacing kepanasan pulak..hehehe apsal lambat niee..,
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